Back from Calgary

For some time now my sister Corrina has been wanting me to visit her place. Since my job ended a couple weeks ago, I decided now was a good time to go. It was a good visit. I got to see Banff, and a few places in Calgary. I also spent a lot of time on their computer searching the internet for Calgary based companies I might work for. And I did a lot of thinking about ideas for making a profitable business from the my old company's technology and my acquired skills.

I think there's some good potential, but I also feel the need to get these ideas on a more solid basis. Do we have a viable future selling to the mold industry? Are companies getting out of their slump and ready to purchase software again? If not, how easily can we move into other fields? Part of this thinking involved investigating the broad potential of smart software and of group authorship. See the website I set up for discussing this: